Examples cards
Use only one link
The basis: only one link, inside the heading, that is clickable. The rest is not linked and also not clickable.
Hide links
Use multiple links, but hide them for keyboard and screen reader users.
Use tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true" together on a link to hide it.
Bad practice: Put an <a> around everything
This will result in very long, link and heading texts and a pain to listen to if you use a screen reader.
Option: use a span to cover the card.
Have one link inside the card to the post. Add a span inside the link so it covers the complete card. Props: Janita Top.
Option: using pseudo-content
This is the preferred method.
Give the card container element position: relative;
Give the link a ::after pseudo-content.
Bad practice: using pseudo-content, plus extra link
Extra link to another page within the clickable card: give it a positive z-index and position relative.
This is in fact a nested interactive control (a link within a link) even if in the HTML the links are separated. This can confuse users, it's harder to understand. This is a cognitive issue.